Soldier of Fortune maintains a robust public presence through its web based magazine and on social media. New under owner Susan Katz Keating, the magazine has gained fresh readers, and has produced significant work that has drawn international attention. Reports from Soldier of Fortune have been cited in the Daily Mail, the New York Post, the Washington Examiner, Fox, TMZ, and by other outlets and major broadcast personalities.
Ours is a young audience, primarily aged 25-44, with an additional engaged group aged 45 and older. The largest segment is based in the United States, with others in the United Kingdom, Canada, and around the world.
The jewel in the social media crown is the Soldier of Fortune Magazine Facebook page. This highly bonded community of more than 867,000 followers engages regularly with our content, bringing in more than 1,000,000 views on a single reel.
The Facebook page is bolstered by a more serious presence on LinkedIn, with educated and engaged followers who hold key positions in industry and business.
The Soldier of Fortune merch line is popular with readers, and is set for additional products.
Email for media kits for advertising online.
• 91% are male. Among them, the largest single group is aged 25-34, followed by ages 35-44.
• 44% have served in the military, and 26% are currently serving.
• 31% have a college degree, and 28% have a high school diploma.
• 23% of our readers earn more than $100,000.
• 89% plan to purchase a gun this year.
• 90% of our readers already own guns.
• More than half of our readers camp and hike more than twice a year.
New under owner Susan Katz Keating, Soldier of Fortune has a Board of Directors consisting of five legendary figures in the security realm. They are Norman Hooten of Black Hawk Down fame and proprietor of Hooten Young Cigars and Whiskey; Ric Prado, bestselling author and former CIA Counterintelligence chief; Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater; Jan Scruggs, founder of the Vietnam Wall; and John Spencer, urban warfare expert.
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