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With the SAS in Mozambique, We Jumped Into Enemy Territory While Bombs Exploded Below

by John Gartner As I sat looking out the port side window of the Dakota, I could see below me the vast expanse of Lake Cahora Bassa dam. The grey skeletal branches of long-drowned trees dotted the shoreline and seemed, in my reverie, to be reaching imploringly skyward. The surface …

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Badass Pilot Wrestles Plane to a Landing When Canopy Shatters Mid-Flight

What do you do when your aircraft canopy shatters in flight? “Keep flying,” Dutch aerobat Narine Melkumjan says. She took to social media to share the video of herself doing just that during the “distressing” experience, hoping that her fellow pilots would take note. A couple of years ago during …

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The Nurses of Normandy: Young Women Who Answered the Call

They were young women who answered the call. It was a terrible time, and they went into the fire in order to save lives. These military nurses share their stories of caring for our military men after D-Day in Normandy, France. We cannot thank them enough.

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Rangers in the Congo: A Deadly Fight Against Mai Mai Militiamen

Everything became eerily still, until… it blinked. “ENEMY!” Fils screamed. Then all hell broke loose.  by Heath Hansen The sun was just setting on the thick canopy of trees and bushes surrounding their position. It was a long day of humping through the dense growth; but it had been productive. …

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‘Troops of the Hunter Class’: Creating Britain’s Legendary Commando Force

Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill in World War II wanted “specially trained troops of the hunter class, who can develop a reign of terror down these coasts [of occupied Europe], first of all on the butcher and bolt policy… leaving a trail of German corpses behind them.” This translated into …

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Col. Nick Rowe: Long-Ago Conversations With a Special Forces Legend

by Susan Katz Keating “There’s a certain sound…” The song stuck with him for years afterwards. He was being marched to his execution in the jungles of Vietnam, and had been ordered to carry a radio to pick up “Radio Hanoi,” but he secretly dialed in to a station that …

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Pilot James Swett Became an Ace on His First Combat Mission

As a young second lieutenant in 1943, James Swett embarked on his first combat mission at the age of 22. Within 15 minutes, he was a fighter ace with seven enemy kills to his credit. Swett arrived for duty in February 1943 at Henderson Field on Guadalcanal Island in the …

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Cold War Navy SEAL James Hawes Talks About Che Guevara, War in the Congo, and More

  Sometime in 1965, Navy SEAL James Hawes landed in the Congo with cash stuffed in his socks, morphine in his bag, and a basic understanding of his mission. He would recruit a mercenary navy and suppress the Soviet and Chinese-backed rebels engaged in guerrilla movements against a pro-Western government. …

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