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Screenshot, "Ghosts in the Machine 2"

Army PsyOp ‘Ghosts in the Machine’ 2: Another Magnificently Weird Recruiting Video

Don’t ask questions. Just watch, and contact your Army recruiter.

It’s baaaack……

A previous Army PsyOp recruiting vid, Ghosts in the Machine, was so magnificently weird that it tore up the ‘net. The 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) got high props for creeping people out at a whole new level. 

The original video made its debut in true PsyOp fashion. It materialized on the web unannounced, in the middle of the night, while the man with his finger on the “publish now” button was sitting on top of a dryer in the Middle East. That was on May 3, 2022. The vid reaped unprecedented success; so U.S. Army Special Operations Command commissioned a sequel.

SEE MORE: Army PsyOp Ghost Characters Go Dancing

Herewith the latest lure, “Ghosts in the Machine 2.” This one extends the previous theme, and leaves the viewer with a call to action. Fittingly, it was produced by an identity protected Army PsyOp officer known only as “Gray.” Don’t ask questions. Just watch, and contact your Army recruiter.

Want more? Here’s the original.

About Susan Katz Keating

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