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Finland’s RK 62 M1 Rifle Was Inspired by Iconic AK-47

One of Nato’s newest members has been showing off the AK-47-inspired RK 62 M1 assault rifle that is in current service with its armed forces.

The Finnish Defence Force’s standard-issue rifle is based on a Polish variant of the AK-47 – the model that launched the iconic Soviet-made AK family.

WATCH this Finnish soldier explain the rifle’s features.

Capable of firing 700 7.62×39 mm rounds per minute, the weapon is fitted with an adjustable butt stock and a reflex sight.

To make the rifle more user-friendly, this model has had the control for the change lever fitted closer to the trigger, thus ensuring the user never has to remove their hand from the pistol grip to alter the type of fire.

Finland became a member of Nato in April 2023.

– British Forces

About Soldier of Fortune Magazine

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