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Hamas PR Department in Hollywood Mode, Releases Slick New Video

by Susan Katz Keating

Hamas on Friday released a slick new video threatening high-impact attacks on Israel. The terrorists’ PR department, it seems, is still in Hollywood mode. As if they are going for an Oscar for “Best Terrorist Short Feature.”

The video shows what appears to be a newly unveiled “M-90” rocket, possibly an upgraded version of the M-75 rocket. In Arabic, the caption reads: “Watch Tel Aviv burn… and Jerusalem will be liberated.”

At Soldier of Fortune, we are posting the video not to endorse it, but to show what the PR shop at Hamas is doing. This is a high quality video, complete with dramatic music, and was created by a trained video production crew. This takes money.

Here is our question: Where did the money come from? Who trained the producers? Where did they get the costumes, the music, and the safe stage set? Did they go on location, and did they pull their own people out of hiding to perform in the vid, or did they use extras? The performers have clean hands, and their outfits are pressed and fresh. So perhaps these men are not accustomed to living and working in austere conditions, such as, inside a tunnel or amid rubble.

Yes, our questions come with a tinge of sarcasm. But they are meant to flag serious issues about propaganda, public relations, and funding.

Meanwhile, as Hamas released the video, rockets rained down over Tel Aviv. Israel’s Iron Dome intercepted them all.

About Susan Katz Keating

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