Breaking News

Susan Katz Keating

Ship ‘Dali’ That Crashed Into Baltimore Bridge Previously Collided With Antwerp Dock

The ship that crashed into and toppled Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday morning previously was damaged after colliding with its berth in Belgium, records show. The previous incident occurred in 2016, when the 300-meter long Dali had built up substantial stern momentum when it allided with the quay …

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Battered Terror Suspects Appear Before Russian Court; Motives For Concert Hall Attack Remain Unclear

In graphic video that is being circulated on Russian messaging channels, suspects are shown being dealt extreme retribution at the hands of their captors.  by Susan Katz Keating In the days following the worst terrorist violence inside Russia in nearly 20 years, competing claims leave unanswered the question of who …

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Courage, a Rising Death Toll, and Blood Money: Attack on the Moscow Concert Hall

“One of those present in the hall showed unparalleled courage,” officials said. Rescuers pulled more bodies from the rubble of a Moscow concert hall, while one man has been hailed for “neutralizing” an attacker, and four suspected gunmen have been detained in connection with Russia’s worst terrorist violence in nearly …

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‘We Are Fire’: Inside Atesh, the Resistance Movement That Stalks Russian Targets

“We know we are risking our lives,” one partisan said. “But the mission is worth the risk.” by Susan Katz Keating As Vladimir Putin is set to remain in charge at the Kremlin for another six years, a secretive resistance group is trolling Moscow and showing partisans where to destroy …

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Drug Mules Hate Submarines, But Cartels Insist on Using Them to Smuggle Fentanyl

Just making contact with a submarine carries an extra measure of danger for a smuggler. by Susan Katz Keating Smugglers for the Chapitos branch of the Sinaloa Cartel balk when ordered to pull “submarine duty” along the group’s fentanyl trafficking routes, a security official told Soldier of Fortune. “They hate …

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A Nuclear Blast Would Bring Hell on Earth: Blinding Light, Searing Heat, and Intense Winds

The degree of hazard depends on the type of weapon, height of the burst, distance from the detonation, hardness of the target, and explosive yield of the weapon.  by Susan Katz Keating Russian President Vladimir Putin again raised the specter of nuclear war this week when he announced that his …

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Wagner Group Posts Video of Eiffel Tower Being Toppled in War

The Wagner Group taunted French President Emmanuel Macron with a video depicting a fictional attack on war-torn Paris. On a secure messaging channel March 9, the group posted a clip from a video game, showing combat in France. In the clip, the Eiffel Tower topples. In a message alongside the …

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The Bloody Shores of Iwo Jima: A Veteran Tells His Story

Donald Raasch is one of the few men alive who fought in the fiercest battle in Marine Corps history. by Lance Cpl. David Brandes and Lance Cpl. Ethan Miller MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. – The corporal dragged his body up the obsidian sheet of sand speckled with other water-logged Marines. He clambered …

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Wagner Group Drones Go Haywire in Flight, But These Are No Toys

One drone was “snuffed out” in new video from the field, but others kept flying. COMMENTARY by Susan Katz Keating The Russian state-funded Wagner Group says it is equipped with electronic warfare capabilities, to include the use of drones. The group uses a new video to showcase its drones in …

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The Deadly Battle of Takur Ghar in Afghanistan

The fight became a cauldron that forged both heroism and tragedy, and produced the first-ever video recording of actions that resulted in the posthumous Medal of Honor for one participant, Air Force Special Tactics Combat Controller John Chapman. In March 2002 a joint military operation was mounted to surround and …

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