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Lt Col Stuart Scheller

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, USMC, fired for Blasting Gens. Milley and Austin, discharged from Marine Corps

“I was released from the Marine Corps today. Looking forward to the future.”

America will fail the next war if they don’t address the following five systemic military issues. Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with maturing the force, distributed operations, or china. First, hold senior leaders accountable. Leaving failure in place rewards a culture of mediocrity.

There are no incentives to take risks if senior leaders aren’t punished for failure. We have military leaders who can survive command, but not win a war. America’s military officers consist of hard working, talented, risk-adverse, conformists. We fired more Generals in WWII than we have cumulatively in all the wars since. Not surprisingly, WWII is the last decisive victory.

Second, like Eisenhower predicted… the machine has grown so big and muddled, we’ve lost our way. Congress won’t ask for metrics of effectiveness for the DoD Budget; the military’s procurement process is broke; there is an oligopoly within the government contracting world; General Officers continue to accept executive level positions within government contracting companies without scruple; End of quarters we race to spend money.

“Use it or lose it.” The entire process is bleeding off the slim competitive advantage required for success. Third, nepotism. Most officers at the Battalion Commander level are the sons of previous General Officers. Ask your Commander the rank of his retired father.. Furthermore, we’ve allowed non-military experienced PHDs to dominate the education system. The Full FB Post plus more

Background. “Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. is being released from confinement today, Oct. 5, 2021, as a result of a mutual agreement between Lt. Col. Scheller, his Defense counsel, and the Commanding General, Training Command,” Captain Sam Stephenson, Training and Education Command, spokesperson said, refusing to comment further.

Rich McHugh@RichMcHugh: Update from Lt. Col Scheller’s legal team: —Scheller still faces court martial —there was a secret hearing scheduled for today at 1:30. Media requested access. Marines refused access —Scheller has submitted (to Secy of Navy) his request for resignation in lieu of trial

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller went out swinging at the former Presidents, Col Blimps and Top brass in Washington.
To Trump:

“Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices,” Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller said of Trump.

Later he clarified his blasting Trump:

To the people who stand with me,
I’ve had such a strong reaction to my comments against President Trump I felt a follow up clarification was required. No, President Trump didn’t divide the country. But President Trump, in my humble opinion, is incapable of bringing us back together. Did he expose the corruption in the DOJ, media, and other places… yes. Was he the right person to expose the corruption at that time… maybe. Is he honest, accountable, and full of integrity… no. Would I want to work for a leader like that… no. I want a leader that will bring US together. Someone who has the courage to defend our country when called. My sons deserve that type of leader running the country in the future. That type of person is the only leader who I want in my corner. I respect all opinions. I’m not asking you to agree with me, but to at least consider my perspective. Much love.

On Facebook, but he cut others no slack:

President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.
President Obama. Great at speeches… obviously weak in any intestinal fortitude. President Bush Jr. great at speeches… obviously ignorant in thinking he could import democracy. President Clinton. Great at bringing Congress together… obviously morally bankrupt. This includes his wife.
General Mattis. The warrior monk. We all know you became a monk because you are gay. To be clear, my generation don’t care about sexuality. We are better than that. But our generation does care about honesty. You brought to my Infantry Officer Course 1-06 what can only be described as a female prop. It was uncomfortable for all of us. As soon as you left, we all knew you were a liar. We were young, but not stupid. Back then Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was still a policy. We understood why you lied. But as the policy was rescinded, and we continued to hear the rumors, it bothered us that you kept up the lie. You weren’t a monk. You were dishonest. And for all your talk about the 5-3-5 and counter-insurgency… can we go back and review the record? The academics loved you. You talked about reading books all the time. The only problem… you didn’t win any wars. Maybe you should have read different books.
General Petraeus. The counter-insurgency genius. We all know you went to Yale. We all know that you walked around the wars without PPE. But what if you used that education to offer insight on the ineffective nature of counter insurgency? You led Iraq and Afghanistan because you were such an influential leader. However, history demonstrated you didn’t have the insight of George Bush Sr. who knew when to pull out of a military campaign once the objectives were achieved. History somehow forgot George Bush Sr.’s genius. If you were half as smart as him, you would have recommended an efficient withdraw much sooner than the long wars you promoted. But that would have marginalized the theory of your genius. And without your celebrity… there are no adulterous escapades.
General Flynn. You gave interviews about me. Pretending to understand me. You are the same as the rest. You were caught in a lie. My generation is sick of your lies. We are not the same. Stop speaking my name as if you understand me. You could never understand US. PHDs teaching at military academies. Bill Lind just wrote an article about my moral courage titled The View from Olympus: The Scheller Affair and Moral Courage. Let me be clear Mr. Lind, despite your contributions to the Marine Corps, you could never understand me. And my contempt for the academics who have attached themselves to the military machine runs deep. I will never relate to a person who refused to fight in the arena, yet feels entitled enough to offer opinions as if the lions should listen. Critics. Mr. Lind… General Berger’s opinion matters more than yours, despite your condescending opinion towards him. Please let all the PHDs in the military education system know the same. And tell General Gray to get off the MCU stage. He had his turn. Maneuver Warfare is outdated. It’s not attrition vs. maneuver. It’s decentralization vs. synchronization. And the critical question of where that balance occurs is the question you failed to address in the current version of MCDP 1. Marines all think decentralization should occur at the lowest levels despite a deeper understanding of how to maximize combat power. But I’m sure your generation of deep thinkers knew that…

Reportedly 30 Senators have asked for his release:

“All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,” said Stu Scheller Sr. “He was asking for accountability. In fact, I think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn’t do that, which is mind-blowing.” Lt Col Scheller’s father told Task and Purpose.

“They had a gag order on him and asked him not to speak,” the senior Scheller said. “He did, and they incarcerated him. They don’t know what to do with him.”

Scheller Jr had served 17 years in the Marine Corps. The USMC spokesperson confirmed the report. “Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. is currently in pre-trial confinement in the Regional Brig for Marine Corps Installations East aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune pending an Article 32 preliminary hearing,” said Capt. Sam Stephenson, a spokesman for Training and Education Command.

The Pipe Hitter Foundation, founded by the high profile Retired Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, and his wife Andrea, says Scheller “who had the courage to demand accountability from his leadership in the wake of a disastrous exit from Afghanistan that lead to the death of 13 of his fellow service members.”

The Background below the Gallagher feature:

Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, Stuart Scheller. Infantry Officer at U.S. Marine Corps, was relieved of command due to a now-viral social media video demanding “accountability” from senior leadership. He has released a new video which states he will bring Changes against General Kenneth Franklin McKenzie. (below)

Charges I plan to drop against General McKenzie as follows: Specification 1 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Lance Corporal David Espinoza, United States Marine Corps.

Specification 2 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Sergeant Nicole Gee, United States Marine Corps.

Specification 3 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, United States Marine Corps.Continuation Page 2 of 3 DD Form 458Specification

4 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Sergeant Ryan Knauss, United States Army.

Specification 5 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Corporal Hunter Lopez, United States Marine Corps.

Specification 6 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum, United States Marine Corps.

Specification 7 (Dereliction of Duty through Culpable Inefficiency): In the General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., United States Marine Corps, United States Central Command, on active duty and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, between on or about 1 July 2021 and on or about 28 August 2021, who knew of his duties as a commissioned officer, while commanding the United States Central Command, was derelict in the performance of those duties in that he, by culpable inefficiency, failed to supervise the withdrawal of United States Forces from Afghanistan, as it was his duty to do, and that such dereliction of duty resulted in the death of Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merola, United States Marine Corps. He lists six more on his FB


To all my friends across the social networks. I have been relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 today.

My chain of command is doing exactly what I would do… if I were in their shoes.

I appreciate the opportunities AITB command provided. To all the news agencies asking for interviews… I will not be making any statements other than what’s on my social platforms until I exit the Marine Corps.

America has many issues… but it’s my home… it’s where my three sons will become men. America is still the light shining in a fog of chaos.

When my Marine Corps career comes to an end, I look forward to a new beginning. My life’s purpose is to make America the most lethal and effective foreign diplomacy instrument.

While my days of hand to hand violence may be ending…I see a new light on the horizon. Semper Fi

About Soldier of Fortune Magazine

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