Breaking News

“Mr Trudeau, you are a disgrace to any democracy.” 

The White House was live. February 23, 2021 · President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau of like minds give statements on their first bilateral meeting.

“A prime minister who openly admires the Chinese basic dictatorship, who tramples on human rights, by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists, because they dare stand up to his perverted concept of democracy, should not be allowed to speak in this House at all. Mr. Trudeau, you are a disgrace for any democracy, please spare us your presence,” said the MEP, Post Millennium was quoting the video of European MEP Christine Anderson torching Trudeau for his violation of human rights in his oppression of the Trucker Convoy.

“A Prime Minister who openly tramples on fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists just because they dared to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy” she continued

A good Start, Ms MP, but you did not address the same behaviors of Biden Pelosi, the 6 January Committee, Washington and DOJ in the treatment of 6 January non violent protestors jailed without due process or treating parents in the United States as terrorists because they refuse to let their children to be taught Critical Race Theory………. Hypocrisy??????

Ottawa Police Chief

Police Chief to Resign as Trudeau Pulls Emergency Act Declaration Card?

February 15

Peter Sloly has resigned as Ottawa’s police chief and will publicly announce he is stepping aside after the Ottawa Police Services Board meeting today, according to sources that have spoken to CBC News. We will see.

Peter Sloly is the Chief of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS). Chief Sloly is leading important changes in the OPS to improve public trust, safety, service and value.

Prior to joining the OPS, Chief Sloly was a partner at Deloitte, a Deputy Chief with the Toronto Police Service and a professional soccer player.

The police chief has taken a hard line stand against the demonstrators. As of 12 Feb.

The Ottawa Police Service continues to deploy all available resources to put an end to the unlawful demonstration in the downtown core, respond to calls for service, and improve neighbourhood safety.

Overnight, demonstrators exhibited aggressive behaviour towards law enforcement including refusing to follow directions, overwhelming officers, and otherwise subverting enforcement efforts.

All available officers were deployed last night. We have a plan to end this unlawful occupation and await the necessary reinforcements to do so. There have been 26 arrests in relation to criminal charges. Including two additional arrests for public intoxication with 140 investigations pending.

PM Trudeau, Canada

Truckers, Cowboys, Veterans, Civilians in Freedom Convoy pick up, move anti protestor car in their way

The Canadians have provided the world with what true grit looks like, peacefully, as the government in their warm cushy mansions waits them out.

Cowboys, Farmers, …..join Freedom Trucker Riot Police out in full gear after Court Rules Against Truckers’ Blockades
The standoff continues at the Ambassador Bridge even after a judge ruled the blockage of the bridge illegal and police were sent to enforce the order. .Worldwide supporters are are still flooding in. The world is handing it to hem to keep from nonviolence. Rather, they help those protesting and respect the Veterans;

Two years of oppression has mobilized those fed up with freedoms lost.

The Canadian political establishment has lost the moral authority to govern. And their health police have lost the consent of the people. It’s a general strike, since no other institution is providing a check or balance — no opposition party, court, media, academia, etc RebelNews on the scene reports.

In Europe, and in Australia, the truckers Convoys join the freedom movement even as protests have been mobilized for weeks.

Many Canadians are not in favor of blocking the bridge, yet are in favor or restoring normal life. They request that all Trudeau has to do is drop the mandates as several provinces have done and others are planning to do so.

Two years of oppression has mobilized those fed up with freedoms lost.

Freedom Convoy Twitter

The heat is on in Europe as Germany, France, Finland prepare to join the freedom trucker movement. Spain farmers have been mobilized. The world, after having been oppressed for two years is on fire. 30000 followers in 3 days of launching the truck for Freedom Account deleted by Twitter.

The message is non violence or go elsewhere: “We have nothing with the police and we don’t incite violence towards anyone. Just that they acted illegaly and will be taken to courts to pay compensations and be fired, that is it.”

The police are out in full force with riot gear, “bombardiers with big guns hunting any minor violations possible. No rioting and the cause needs this to be peaceful according to the truckers.

ICYMI: 7 people arrested, 100 tickets issued in Demonstration-Related Enforcement @OttawaPolice has made multiple arrests in relation to several enforcement actions related to the ongoing demonstration. There are over 60 criminal investigations so far.

ICYMI: 7 people arrested, 100 tickets issued in Demonstration-Related Enforcement

“2 farmers volunteering at the trucker protest in Ottawa are being arrested for having empty slip tanks in their truck. Their truck is being impounded and towed by Ottawa Metro Towing.”

France convoy starts this week and arrive to Paris 11th tuesday, this is news from the French.

Chance 2 Farm Ltd. · 16hReplying to @Truckers4FreedmI farm and I support @Truckers4Freedm Anyone who says otherwise needs to stand in front of me and explain to me why they think otherwise, one farmer tweeted.

6 Feb. BREAKING: A hundred Canadian cowboys just showed up to the blockade in Alberta

Cowboys show up to Trucker Standoff: Military to Officials: Go pound sand, we are not police

5 February The Ottawa Police Service and its partners continue to implement a surge and contain strategy focused on preventing and reducing the impacts of demonstrators entering the downtown core, and improving neighbourhood safety. Enforcement in Canada now declares the Freedom Trucker Convoy. an “unlawful” occupation of the country’s capital.

Chief Peter Sloly Ottawa

“We’re looking at every single option, including military aid,” Ottawa’s police chief Peter Sloly said

“The Canadian Armed Forces are not a police force.” Defence Minister Anita Anand, said. “As such, there are no plans for the Canadian Armed Forces to be involved in the current situation in Ottawa in a law enforcement capacity.

The Chief of Police is overwhelmed by the demonstrations, truckers are peaceful but other than truckers rile the police.

police charged one man criminally, laid 30 traffic tickets and patrolled areas including Centretown, Sandy Hill, Glebe and the Market/Lowertown areas. This enforcement will continue daily. 

Police laid eight charges for unnecessary noise (honking of horns), one for transporting dangerous goods (insecure fuel cans), one for improper muffler, four for disobeying signs, two for driving the wrong way in one way traffic, one unsafe lane change, one distracted driving, six speeding, one running a stop sign and five document offences. 

One driver was charged for driving while criminally prohibited. The vehicle was impounded for 45 days. 

Police have also deployed cruisers with Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR) technology. ALPR is a device which helps police ensure road safety by identifying a variety of Highway Traffic Act (HTA) infractions, including stolen licence plates and suspended or unlicensed drivers.  

“The current occupation of the Parliamentary Precinct remains unresolved despite significant success in reducing the number of trucks/demonstrators while preventing riots, injuries and death. We take no solace in these operational successes. The demonstrators in this red zone area remain highly organized, well-funded, and extremely committed to resisting efforts to end the demonstration safely. This remains a very volatile and very dangerous demonstration.

The Ottawa Police Service continues to work with the national security agencies, the RCMP, the OPP and other police agencies. We are also working with all three levels of government, to affect a safe, timely and lawful end to this unlawful and unacceptably dangerous demonstration.

PM Trudeau has not made any statement to contradict the Military or Minister of Defense.

30 JANUARY SWAT/TRUCKER Standoff Canada’s Trudeau flees as Truck Convoy takes a stand for freedom

PM Trudeau, Canada

Canadians watch as the UK’s Boris Johnson relaxed all mandates after devastating collateral damage of the draconian lockdowns and tyranny.

Truckers took to the roads to protest the mandates that have crippled their existence while the vaccine Moguls enrich their billion dollar pockets.

A group of truckers parked across the Canada-US border between Alberta and Montana have been given a police SWAT team ultimatum to move. They just voted to refuse. We have two reporters on site. Follow along at

31 January Update: Negotiations have started, the protestors are wondering why the mainstream media can pass RCMP checkpoints but their food and water can’t.

Rebel reporters Kian Simone and Syd Fizzard are live on the scene at the Alberta–Montana border following the Trucker Convoy protests. Follow along on this page for all of our hard-hitting coverage.

Rebel reporters Kian Simone and Syd Fizzard are live on the scene at the Alberta–Montana border following the Trucker Convoy protests. Follow along on this page for all of our hard-hitting coverage.

Hypocrisy of the three dozen elite was exposed as Johnson and Company huddled together in parties, violating their own rules at what are being called Lockdown Parties. The elites who warn of imminent death and responsibility for all of society if restrictions are not followed attended maskless parties. Obviously, the elite believe that they are above the virus. Or are just lying about the threat to maintain their power.

Boris Johnson cancelled all mandates. The British are free!!!

Canadian watch the shakedowns in the Motherland and seek the same freedoms after over 700 days of breaking the curve that never broke.

About Soldier of Fortune Magazine

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