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The Fire Pit

Lore, Adventure, Stories of Fortune, Books, Entertainment, Veterans’ Issues

A Coyote Named ‘Jeep’ Flew Combat Missions Over Wartime Europe

The wildest aviator ever to step inside a fighter plane was actually a coyote named Jeep, who flew combat missions in World War II. While still a puppy, Jeep was rescued by a human pilot, John “Wild Bill” Crump. A Nebraska farmer had asked Bill to get rid of the …

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Inside the Circle of Death, We Got Hit by An IED – And Garrison Bullshit From ‘Old Stinkeye’

by Greg Chabot Note from the author: The following is all from my perspective and how I remember it. Any inaccuracies are on me. Overview I often get asked, “What was the most dangerous mission you went on?” My reply: “Logpack to FOB Warhorse.”  Baqubah in 2004-05 was not a …

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Green on Blue in Afghanistan: He Attacked Us for 40 Dollars and a Trip to Paradise

By Heath Hansen We entered the base between the HESCO barriers covered in concertina razor-wire, unprepared for a betrayal from one of our supposed allies. On November 9, 2005, as the convoy snaked its way into the safety of the base walls, I could see Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers …

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Incoming: When the World Around You is Being Destroyed

When artillery hits your position, you have no control. You can only endure. by Harry Ramsbottom The first impact is stunning in the truest sense. You feel it more than you hear it. The shock ofthe impact on the ground… the blast wave if you’re close enough… the vision of …

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‘We Don’t Have Funerals in Combat Zones’: A Soldier Remembers

by Harry Ramsbottom In my three wars I witnessed some sad things, but one of the saddest I have seen was the moral disintegration of a U.S. Army company at Al, Iraq in September 2005. We were the corps security brigade. Our mission was straightforward and massive: patrol and secure …

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General (Ret) Scott Miller: In the Battle of Mogadishu, We Had Extreme Trust in One Another Amid Chaos

by General (Ret) Scott Miller No matter what happened out there, everybody was going home. In the midst of a dangerous and at times dire fight, that provided a calming level of peace. Over the years I have not written much about the Battle of the Black Sea, nor the …

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Chesty Puller: A Legend Among Marines

Editor’s note: As the Marine Corps celebrates its birthday, what better way to say cheers than to tell the story of one of their favorite heroes, the legendary Chesty Puller. Lieutenant General Lewis “Chesty” Burwell Puller, colorful veteran of four World War II campaigns, Korea, and expeditionary service in China, …

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When the Lance Corporal Met His Match Against Gummy Bears

by Mitchell “Taco” Bell Back in 2005, I spent a tour living in an old Iraq bathroom in the control tower on Al Taqqadum airbase.  Great place, you get a bit smell tone deaf to the room, but it was better than tent living. We received a ton of care …

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Alone Against the Taliban: Mad Dog Platoon and the Battle of OP Nevada

by Susan Katz Keating The Soviets called it Chernaya Gora: Black Mountain. That is where a unit of elite Spetsnaz forces met their deaths in Afghanistan, atop a remote observation post overlooking Kunar. I learned about the treacherous place in 2015, while researching an article for the Army National Guard.  …

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