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PLA aircraft enter Taiwan Air Space repeatedly

16 PLA aircraft (J-16*8, SU-30*4, Y-8 ASW*2 and KJ-500 AEW&C*2) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on October 3, 2021
Taiwan MOD reported the following activity and response on Sunday
Air activities in the southwestern ADIZ of R.O.C.

October 3,2021(Sunday daytime)

Aircraft Type:

Eight J-16

Four SU-30

Two Y-8 ASW

Two KJ-500 AEW&C

Activity Area:

Flight paths as illustrated


CAP aircraft tasked, radio warnings issued and air defense missile systems deployed to monitor the activity
Similar activity was reported in recent days.

19 PLA aircraft (J-16*12, SU-30*6 and KJ-500 AEW&C) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on the night of October 2, 2021.
20 PLA aircraft (J-16*14, SU-30*4 and Y-8 ASW*2) entered #Taiwan’s southwest

Taiwan must take the necessary steps to ensure its own defenses – from upgrading air and missile defenses and raising reserve forces’ readiness to protecting vital infrastructure like its water supply – to keep China at arm’s length, three experts on Pacific security said Wednesday.

“Taiwan is nowhere where it needs to be” in beefing up its own defenses, Michael Mazzarr, associate director of the strategy and doctrine program at RAND’s Arroyo Center, said during an Atlantic Council event.

“Power projection capabilities are significantly challenged” if crisis turns to conflict with China. Taiwan could struggle not just to sustain military operations in the first island chain, but also in the homeland as it tries to protect American infrastructure like pipelines.

ADIZ on October 2, 2021. Please check our official website for more information.

“We face undeniably growing competition between the U.S. and China, and questions about how the U.S. will seek to manage that competition.  There’s particular concern about potential conflicts over Taiwan, as well as in the South China Sea.  Here in Southeast Asia, states are seeking cordial relations with both powers even at a time where questions are being asked about ASEAN and the role that it plays in the region’s security landscapes.The intrusions are daily recently the MOD reports.,” SecDef Austin said in July. 

As our #NationalDay comes near 30 Sept, , aircraft from #ROCArmy Aviation and #ROCAF screamed through the sky above Taipei this morning in rehearsal, with Thunder Tigers’ AT-3 trainers flew past behind President’s Office with national flag color theme smoke!

In light of the threat, Taiwan must upgrade air and missile defenses and raising reserve forces’ readiness to protecting vital infrastructure like its water supply – to keep China at arm’s length, three experts on Pacific security said, with USNI reporting:

“Taiwan is nowhere where it needs to be” in beefing up its own defenses, Michael Mazzarr, associate director of the strategy and doctrine program at RAND’s Arroyo Center, said during an Atlantic Council event.

“Power projection capabilities are significantly challenged” if crisis turns to conflict with China. Taiwan could struggle not just to sustain military operations in the first island chain, but also in the homeland as it tries to protect American infrastructure like pipelines.

China maintains its one China policy which includes Taiwan.

About Soldier of Fortune Magazine

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