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The Fire Pit

The Fire Pit: New Section Featuring Stories of Fortune, Lore, and More

Welcome to The Fire Pit! Our new section is for stories and yarns that you would share while sitting with comrades around the fire. This includes Stories of Fortune; Lore; Book Reviews; and more. 

On tap are tales from the longtime SOF gang; from publisher SKK on Cold War adventures; from “Snake-eater Sam,” who was cadre at Robin Sage; and more.

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We are particularly proud of two things. “The Fire Pit” name was suggested by readers; and, the section is open to submissions. If you have a tale to contribute, send a pitch to [email protected], with The Fire Pit in the subject line. And stay tuned for more announcements. Hint: we are now working on an SOF gear shop.

In the meantime, we’re holding random contests on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Be sure to follow and like us there for announcements.

Onward! And remember: Adventure begins here!

About Susan Katz Keating

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