Everything became eerily still, until… it blinked. “ENEMY!” Fils screamed. Then all hell broke loose. by Heath Hansen The sun was just setting on the thick canopy of trees and bushes surrounding their position. It was a long day of humping through the dense growth; but it had been productive. …
Read More »Night Stalker Crew Drops Off a Team at Work
Just another day on the job… Twice the action when an MH-47 Night Stalker crew drops off an ARSOF team at work. Army Special Operations sends.
Read More »‘Troops of the Hunter Class’: Creating Britain’s Legendary Commando Force
Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill in World War II wanted “specially trained troops of the hunter class, who can develop a reign of terror down these coasts [of occupied Europe], first of all on the butcher and bolt policy… leaving a trail of German corpses behind them.” This translated into …
Read More »Pilot James Swett Became an Ace on His First Combat Mission
As a young second lieutenant in 1943, James Swett embarked on his first combat mission at the age of 22. Within 15 minutes, he was a fighter ace with seven enemy kills to his credit. Swett arrived for duty in February 1943 at Henderson Field on Guadalcanal Island in the …
Read More »Hero Dog ‘Shimanski’ Honored for Courage Under Fire
An American multi-purpose canine (MPC) Belgian Malinois was honored for heroism under fire while serving four tours of duty with the U.S. Marine Corps. Shimanski was deployed to Jordan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia during his seven-year career and received the Animals in War and Peace Medal of Bravery for his service, an …
Read More »George Washington Bacon, the CIA’s Man in Laos Before He Became a Merc in Angola
Editor’s note: Longtime CIA covert operations officer James Parker Jr. often talked to me about his days in Southeast Asia, including the secret war in Laos. He told stories of another case officer and former Green Beret, George Washington Bacon III, who became a mercenary in Angola. Here is an …
Read More »Nine Months of Hell in Mariupol: How This Real-Life Rambo Survived, Resisted, and Escaped Captivity
By John Spencer As I sat in a clean, elegant café in downtown Kyiv it was nearly impossible for me to comprehend the story I was being told. My interviewee was a quiet, humble former active-duty Ukrainian Marine from Mariupol named Gennadiy (or Gena for short). But while Gena was …
Read More »On Desperate Ground: Mad Dog Platoon and the Battle of OP Nevada
by Susan Katz Keating The Ninth Situation of War, when you must fight without delay, is Desperate Ground – Sun Tzu “Watson. Wake up. Woods. Everyone. Wake the hell up.” The sentinels raced through the lean-to, alerting the team with urgent news: the Taliban were at the wire. Hours earlier, Sgt. …
Read More »Jennifer Marshall: Iraq War Veteran, Private Eye, TV Actress
One of our favorite veterans is Jennifer Marshall, an actress, private investigator, and pin-up ambassador. She hosts the CW’s docuseries “Mysteries Decoded,” and has appeared on many TV shows, including “Stranger Things,” “NCIS,” “Hawaii Five-0” and “Game Shakers.” Please leave this field emptySubscribe to the Soldier of Fortune Newsletter Enter your …
Read More »Shot in Belly, Courageous Officer Ashley Ferris Returned Fire Against Murderer
Two Colorado communities faced tragedy in December 2021 when a gunman opened fire in both cities, killing five and injuring others. Among those injured was a Lakewood Police Agent. The gutsy officer Ashley Ferris was shot in the belly and lost the use of one leg – and even so, …
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