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Dad’s on duty military one source

“Dads on Duty” strike fear in tough guy students, violence ends

Southwood High School in Shreveport Louisiana saw 23 arrests over a mere three days due to fighting. The fights have ended now, however, since a group of students’ fathers have taken to patrolling the place.

The students say the intervention Dads on Duty provide is working: “I immediately felt a form of safety. We stopped fighting; people started going to class.” The fathers would like to start chapters across Louisiana, and eventually the country, Philip Lewis tweeted.

 “Dads on Duty.” Facebook

Dad‘s on duty programs have been going live for sometime including in the military

Military Dads on Duty

February 2008 Dads On Duty (DOD), a program uniquely tailored to young military dads with kids age birth – 5, was born.

Dads On Duty focuses on prevention and early intervention by giving fathers the opportunity to learn not only why it is important to interact with their young children, but also how to interact with them. This project specifically provides education, support and in-home services for young military dads, so that they can be the best parent they can be.

The program incorporates best practice interventions and creative strategies that promote positive parenting practices and parent-child interactions to help military families cope and display resiliency against child abuse/neglect. Many factors affect the level of engagement and interaction between a father and his child. Naturally, all fathers, like mothers, have their own way of interacting with and nurturing their child. While other programming works with mothers, DOD targets young military fathers by providing a range of opportunities for them to learn how to be a strong, loving fathers in an environment that is safe and free of the stigma that so often comes in the military with seeking “help”. Since HSMFC operates outside the military system and command structure there is reduced stigma and freedom for military families to seek help without fear of repercussions on their military status/rank.
Services are available free of charge to all military fathers in San Diego County with children ages 0-5 years. The military is a very specific culture unto its own, so providing services that are specifically targeted to this population is crucial. HSMFC and its collaborative partners have the experience to provide these innovative services and DOD provides the right conduit for getting the information across.

 “Dads on Duty.”

About Soldier of Fortune Magazine

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