America has over 83,000 Missing in Action Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. This film trailer gives us a poignant look at the families of these MIAs. All have sacrificed brothers, fathers and sons to America’s wars. Often these families go an entire lifetime without knowing how or where their loved …
Read More »Rhodesia’s Bush War: Attack on a Fireforce Base, Part II
Attack on a Rhodesian Fireforce Base. by Henri Lepetit all text photos copyright Henri Lepetit PART I Well into the Cold War after the US had fired its final angry shot in Vietnam Rhodesia became the last western democracy engaged in a hot one fighting for its survival against a …
Read More »A Former Marine and Vietnam Vet Becomes a Merc
Publisher’s note : This article has been removed from the website because it does not meet our standards. ~SKK
REVIEW: ‘WE DARED TO WIN’By Colonel Eeben Barlow Africa Unauthorized Hannes Wessels’ latest book ‘We Dared to Win’ is a book no serious student of war in Africa should be without. It chronicles the final years of a very special clandestine military unit, and a haemorrhaging and dying country. It …
Read More »Rhodesia’s Bush War: Attack on a Fireforce Base, Part I
Attack on a Rhodesian Fireforce Base. by Henri Lepetit, photos and text copyright Well into the Cold War after the US had fired its final angry shot in Vietnam Rhodesia became the last western democracy engaged in a hot one fighting for its survival against a communist dictatorship takeover. In …
Technical Sergeant John E. Boitnott, Korean War Sniper By Maj. John L. Plaster, USAR (Ret.) From the December 2008 issue of SOF CHICOMS TARGET OUTPOST YOKE To instruct the 5th Marine Regiment’s newly organized sniper school, the regimental commander recruited his unit’s Distinguished Riflemen and high expert shooters, among them …
Read More »OPERATION PHANTOM FURY/AL-FAJR: I Fought in the Fiercest Urban Combat the US had fought since the Battle of Hue, Vietnam in 1968 By Jonathan Cuney
OPERATION PHANTOM FURY/AL-FAJR From the OCT 2010 files of SOF I Fought in the Fiercest Urban Combat the US had fought since the Battle of Hue, Vietnam in 1968 By Jonathan Cuney As I sit back and reflect on my time at war, no combat experience sticks out more clearly …
Read More »Cowboy: The Interpreter Who Became a Soldier, a Warlord, and One More Casualty of Our War in Vietnam
Cowboy was handsome, flamboyant, courageous, clever, and cruel. He got his nickname from the Green Berets who worked with him in the Highlands of South Vietnam in the 1960s. “You’ve got to take the bad with the good,” one Special Forces captain explained. “And Cowboy is a good interpreter.” But …
Read More »Grunt Slang in Vietnam: Words of the War.
SOF Interview with Gordon Rottman—Grunt Slang in Vietnam: Words of the War. 1. Cover Grunt Slang in Vietnam: Words of the War 2. Introduction Have you ever found yourself throwing out some slang word recalled from Vietnam at an appropriate or not so appropriate moment? Most Vietnam vets have done …
Read More »17 SF KIAs — August 23, 1968: NVA THROUGH THE WIRE…FOB 4/CCN
NVA THROUGH THE WIRE…..By John “Tilt” Stryker Meyer, One Zero of Spike Team Idaho As the first flare ignited over the camp, Sergeant Patrick N “Pat” Watkins, Jr., made out an NVA soldier standing in the door of the BOQ. “He was wearing a breech-cloth and bandana,” recalls Watkins, and was …
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