Breaking News


Border Security, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Policing

Iraq Veteran Gabbard on AG: “You are an enemy of the state if you are against the president or his policies”

Tulsi Gabbard is a member of the United States Army Reserves. “You are an enemy of the state if you are against the president or his policies,” is the message from Biden’s Henchmen in the DOJ and FBI Instead of trying to be “woke”/politically correct and targeting parents who care …

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U.S. to Mali: Hundreds of lawless Mercenaries in country says US Commander

VOA Exclusive: US AFRICOM Commander Says Mercenaries in Mali Among Growing Threats in Africa The head of the U.S. Africa Command says security threats are growing across the continent. In his first on-camera interview since taking command two years ago, Gen. Stephen Townsend spoke with VOA Pentagon Correspondent Carla Babb …

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Officers Gunned Down

Cpl. Charles pulled over a white Toyota Avalon said to Harris County Constable Ted Heap. The man driving the car exited the vehicle and gunned the officer down, killing him: “In Mourning….Constable Ted Heap and our entire Precinct 5 family mourn the loss of Corporal Charles Galloway, who was shot …

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USS Milwaukee Seizes $22 Million in Suspected Cocaine

USS Milwaukee Seizes $22 Million in Suspected Cocaine 19 January 2022 From U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command / U.S. 4th Fleet Public Affairs  CARIBBEAN SEA – The Freedom-variant littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee (LCS 5) with embarked U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) 402 seized an estimated $22 …

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SAF: LA forcing gun stores to close for “safety” was a ruse to violate 2nd Amendment

Many power-hungry politicians trashed the Constitution during the pandemic and the lockdowns. Jobs were lost. Homes were lost. Anti-gun counties shoved there gun grabbing agendas under the phony pretense of health and safety. Case after case was filed to protect constitutional rights. The Ninth Circuit Court came through for the …

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The Costs of War on Terror

Over 7,000 Servicemembers dead over 50,000 wounded and that’s a very lowball estimate. Over 37,000 suicides. In the 20 years since September 11 terror attacks, four times as many deaths among members of the military have been caused by suicide compared to those killed in action. That’s 30,177 active duty …

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Dozens of Christians, killed in South Sudan, 71 Protestors in Sudan

According to the Barnabus Fund, at least 28 people were killed and 57 houses were burned down in South Sudan by Islamist extremists during a January attack on the Christian community of Yith Pabol, and International Christian Concern reported.. South Sudan is a majority Christian Nation that gained independence …

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The plot thickens in Synagogue attack as U.K. Police arrest two teens

Manchester Police, UK, on the case of the Synagogue hostage terror. Akram was heard ranting on a Facebook livestream of the synagogue service, demanding the release of a Pakistani neuroscientist who was convicted of trying to kill U.S. Army officers in Afghanistan, VOA. a Uzul Gul reported. Video from Dallas …

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Venezuela: “Hijacked Democracy”

Maduro and other high-ranking Venezuelan officials allegedly partnered with the FARC to use cocaine as a weapon to “flood” the United States DEA photo Venezuela: Understanding Political, External, and Criminal Actors in an Authoritarian State Evan Ellis for Small Wars Journal The predictable triumph by Maduro loyalists in Venezuela’s rigged November …

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The Medic of Mekong Delta: Army Spc. 5th Class Clarence Sasser

JAN. 17, 2022 | BY KATIE LANGE, DOD NEWS Medal of Honor recipient Clarence E. Sasser places his hand over his heart to salute the American flag during a ceremony honoring him at Texas A&M University, Nov. 7, 2013. Army Spc. 5th Class Clarence Sasser was a part-time college student when he …

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